
Mickael Renault

Sensors and Algorithm Engineer

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2019 - now

Apple - Sensors and Algorithm Engineer - Los Angeles

  • Sensor validation and performance analysis, coordination with EE and PD teams to improve sensor placement, layout and product design
  • Coordination with factories to specify and validate DFM (design for manufacturing)
  • Feasibility studies for oncoming products and features

(5 years 6 months - Full-Time)

2018 - 2019

Simplehuman - Embedded Software Engineer - Los Angeles

Development of the new Sensor mirror hi-fi, smart mirror with Alexa Voice Assistant:

  • Low level drivers for sensors and lighting system
  • Application level OTA update – dual bank method on Cortex M0
  • Analysis and firmware development to handle ESD event
  • Math modelling of the new TRU-LUX lighting system, using mixing LEDs technology

( 9 months - Full-Time)

2016 - 2018

Game Golf - Team Lead - Embedded Software Engineer - San Francisco

Connected device for golf players: new generation product development (GAMEGOLF PRO). Project management and technical development of a low power embedded system to put on a golf club.

Project management

  • Team Lead since the Alpha phase our latest product (May 2018). Team of 10.
  • Coordinating a distributed team in California, Ireland, and Ukraine, prioritizing tasks according to our launch roadmap, working with each member on task decomposition, regular feedback, and documentation.
  • Higher level coordination with Management for product launch, popularization of technical concepts for Executives and Investors, improvement of the bond between Business, Product, and Engineering.

Technical development

  • Firmware architecture design and development for low power CPU (Cortex-M4, Cortex-M0)
  • Real-time algorithms on board (swing detection, activity/power related algorithms)
  • Machine Learning on the back-end (Genetic Algorithm in C/Python)
    • Framework for data collection and algorithm testing
    • Genetic Algorithm for swing detection, classifiers compatible with our embedded system
    • Features propagation to the embedded system through a config file transferred over BLE

(2 years 9 months - Full-Time)


STMicroelectronics - Contest Award – “Green technology for fun project”

Innovative embedded Game based on STM32 controller
STM32Nucleo, Bluetooth Low Energy module, Range Sensors and VT100 terminal interface

(2 months – Part-Time)


Embedded device for sport industryEntrepreneurship project

“Train more efficiently with technology” – Awarded by the Foundation of the University
Through-beam sensors, Range Sensor, PCB design, Schematics and wiring, Micro-control, data serialization, Bluetooth communication, Embedded Linux process, User interface

(4 months – Full-Time)

2014 - 2015

GeoAzur (CNRS) - Professional Seismometer design

Active/passive sensor, Analogue filtering, Amplification, Sigma-Delta modulation, Python digital signal processing, encoding and display, Data analysis

(7 months – Part-Time)

2012 - 2015

Mireweb, Web Agency - Web design HTML5 CSS3

7 websites including 2 online shops – Php, MySQL, Html, Javascript, JQuery

(3 years – Part-Time)


2011 - 2016

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering - Embedded systems Major
Polytech'Nice Sophia Engineering
University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France

2014 - 2015

Certificate of Small Business Management & Entrepreneurship
Evening Courses - I.A.E University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France
Entrepreneurship project : Innovation and Technology in sport industry


Engineering Language: C, Python, Php, MySQL, MatLab, C++, Java, Javascript
Software: Eclipse IDE (and declensions), Keil µVision5, Matlab, Jupyter IPython, Intel CoFluent Studio, NetBeans
Hardware: CortexM4, CortexM0, NXP and STM sensors, NXP BLE stack

Language English - French

Awards and Relevant Work


US Patent - Motion and gesture analysis from a Magnetic and Inertial Measurement Unit (US#62/557,225)


Entrepreneurship Award - Foundation of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis


Junior Project Award - STMicroelectronics

2009 - 2015

Trampoline National Team Member - France
Elite Athlete competitor : National Training Center - Trampoline France

  • 1st, National University Championship, 2013
  • 8th, World Cup, Arosa, Switzerland, 2014
  • 21st, World Championship, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013
